Our Farm
A Family Farm
Wolf Pine Farm is a 50-acre farm set along the Mousam River in Alfred, Maine. We grow crops and raise animals to feed our community year-round.
Our vegetable fields are certified organic by the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA).
We offer shares of local, organic meats and vegetables for all seasons. Some shares include only foods from our farm, while others include a combination of our foods and those from about 20 local farm and producer partners.

The Farmers

Amy Sprague
Amy is the original inspiration for our farm, having been bitten by the “farming bug” while traveling in New Zealand as a college student. Amy coordinates the Summer and Winter veggie-growing team here at Wolf Pine Farm — from planning and planting to harvest and distribution to our shareholders.
Amy enjoys time with friends and family talking, cooking and eating slowly. She enjoys a good sunrise, but takes advantage of the quiet that comes over the farm at night. She will often be seen with the night-owls writing shareholder newsletters, tweaking a crop plan (or the Alfred Comprehensive Plan), or roasting tomatoes into the wee-hours of the morning.

Tom Harms
Tom is in charge of all of the livestock at Wolf Pine Farm, as well as keeping all of our machines and mechanical systems running. He also plans and coordinates all of the moving pieces of all of our meat shares as well as the fall/winter vegetable shares. He loves lots of games, especially wiffle ball and lawn sports like bocce and cornhole toss. And he is definitely better than Delia at Uno.

Delia Harms
Delia is 14 years old. On the farm she likes to plant, harvest and spend time with customers in the share room. She loves to bake, play piano and bassoon, and play games and sports (including field hockey and lacrosse).

Maggie Harms
I am Maggie and I am 12 years old. I live on a farm with my sister Delia and my mom and dad. I help mom at the greenhouse. Normally I thin parsley or transplant. I planted my sunflowers for my sunflower house. I have been pondering strawberries and peas and beans to put in my sunflower house which are my favorite food. On Sundays I help make the pancakes or waffles. When I have free time I like to draw or swing or read or do creative projects.

Penny is our canine greeter. She’s still a “puppy” and learning not to jump up on everyone who comes to the farm. She just wants to greet you with excitement and love. Penny loves tracking the scent of all of the wildlife around the farm, especially turkeys, voles, and woodchucks. Most of all she loves a walk to the river, tricks with the basketball, rides in the farm truck and a good liver treat for a job well done.
Farm Staff

Kim Schutsky
Kim first discovered the joys of creating compost, pulling weeds, and helping to grow thriving veggies, fruits, and herbs in her family’s Lancaster County backyard garden. Eating what was “seasonal” and “local” and “organic” was simply what her family did. And then she discovered the Wolf Pine Farm CSA … in the early 2000s … back when “CSA” wasn’t yet a household acronym. She hasn’t looked back since! When she moved to the town of Alfred a fews years back, working at the farm became a perfect fit. She is a great asset to our farm crew – in the field, in the shareroom or on a delivery, on the phone, and at the computer. Kim is definitely a morning person, watches the sun rise and set as often as she’s able, practices little self-control when in the presence of good olive oil or dark chocolate, and at times needs to tame her enthusiasm when in the company of others.

The Farm Crew
From left to right, farmer Amy, Kristen, Su, Keith and Rachel.